A quick indoor bike/run workout

It's been incredibly cold right? One of the reason lots of us moved down here was for the weather. But 6F (-15C) in the winter? Hm...not quite normal for Atlanta!It's been killing our fitness!!!
Not so much tho...
Here is a cool workout I enjoyed the other day. You don't need any heart rate monitors or crazy gadgets for that!

If you don't have too much time, if you are a beginner or if you are coming back from an injury, this is a quick workout that may take you up to an hour or so and you can combine it with weight lifting and stretching at the end.

Got my CycleOps trainer down to the gym of my apartment's complex and did:

-10 min warm up, easy effort
-5x2 min (1 min break) @ about 50-60 RPM* on my big chainring, steady effort (~60% of your max effort)
-5x1 min (1 min break) @ about 80-90 RPM* on my big chainring, fast effort(~80% of your max effort)

3mi run on the treadmill @1-2min/mi slower than race pace

Weight lifting/Stretching

*RPM: Revolutions Per Minute tells you how fast you are spinning on the bike. 50 RPM is equivalent to 50 full revolutions of the crankset per minute-not a fast spinning. 90 RPM is quite fast and it is considered the optimal for long rides or road racing.

NOTE: Every individual athlete is different, has different habits and can perform at his/her best at different RPMs. So these numbers are not inclusive. They are there for reference purposes to illustrate the nature of the workout.



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